- CAIR 'Disappointed' Key Voting Rights Act Provision Struck Down
- CAIR Action Alert: Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Oppose the SAFE Act, Ban All Forms of Profiling
CAIR is urging voters to contact their elected representatives and urge them to reject piecemeal measures in the House that would increase racial profiling and unconstitutional detention and request that they include anti-profiling protections in the immigration bill. - CAIR-LA: The Future of Religion? Look at OC (OC Register)
Hussam Ayloush, head of the Orange County office of the Council on American Islamic Relations, a national advocacy group, led a recent push to elect local Muslims as delegates to the California Democratic Party. - CAIR: Pork-Laced Ammo Made to Kill Muslims (ABC)
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the Hills were trying to exploit Muslims for their own profit. "This is just one of many individuals and companies who seek to make a quick buck exploiting the growing Islamaphobia in our society," Hooper said. "We're not motivated by giving them free publicity they so desperately seek. That's their intention -- to get people upset so that they talk about it and they make money. "If somebody did actually use one of these bullets to target a Muslim," he added, "I am sure that a hate crime enhancement would fit." - UK: Pressure Mounts to Ban Anti-Muslim Speakers Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer from Demo
CAIR Condemns Killing of Shia Muslims in Egypt
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/25/13) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned the killingof four Egyptian Shia Muslims by a mob in a village near Cairo. Egyptian religious and political leaders have also condemned the killings.

In a statement, CAIR said:
"We condemn this inexcusable and un-Islamic attack and urge everyone in Egypt and throughout the region to avoid the trap of sectarian division. All those who participated in the attack on the Shia community in Egypt must immediately be brought to justice."
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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