Friday, August 3, 2012

  • Hadith of the Day: You Who Desire What is Good
    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "When the first night of Ramadan comes ... a crier calls, 'You who desire what is good, come forward, and you who desire evil, refrain.'" (Al-Tirmidhi)
  • CAIR Seeks Fall Civil Rights Interns in D.C.
  • NY Muslim Leader to Give Congressional Invocation (Newsday)
    Nayyar Imam, 57, who also is the first-ever Muslim chaplain for the Suffolk County Police Department, said he is doing the invocation on Thursday in the House partly to break another barrier.
  • CAIR-TX: Ramadan Dinner with Houston Mayor 
    • CAIR-FL: Doing Without Food a Labor of Love (Sun-Sent)
      The Council on American-Islamic Relationsestimates there are about 75,000 Muslims in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties.
    • American Muslims Embrace a Greener Ramadan
      Some mosques, like Dar al-Hijrah and Adams Center, both located in Northern Virginia, educate their congregates on the importance of sustainability and have set up recycling programs to educate their members.
  • R.I. Prison Settles with Muslim Inmates over Religious Concerns
  • CA Democratic Party's Arab American Caucus Condemns Romney's Racist Comments 
    The California Democratic Party's Arab American Caucus (AAC) today condemned Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney's racist comments about Arabs and Palestinians during a fundraiser in Jerusalem.

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