- CAIR-Texas: Muslim Garb Gets Houston Student Singled Out at Festival
Mustafaa Carroll, who heads the local chapter of Council of American-Islamic Relations-Texas, said the incident hurts Muslim-American relations. "Every time you have one of these incidents, it gives people cause for concern because there's so much anti-Muslim rhetoric out there," he said. "The fact is that most of the terrorists attacks in this country are carried out by non-Muslims, who pretty much operate under the radar. But the focus is on Muslim or Middle Eastern people.- Charts: How Much Danger Do We Face From Homegrown Jihadist Terrorists?(Mother Jones)
Since 9/11, successful domestic terror plots like the Boston Marathon bombing have been rare exceptions.
- Charts: How Much Danger Do We Face From Homegrown Jihadist Terrorists?(Mother Jones)
- CAIR: Slavic, Muslim Groups Condemn Boston Marathon Bombing (Sacramento Bee)
"Our community stands in solidarity with the brave people of Boston and Watertown - our thoughts and prayers are with them," said Basim Elkarra, executive director of the Sacramento chapter of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR).- CAIR-MI: Bombing Should Not Delay Immigration Reform (Detroit News)
- Muslims Help Victims and FBI after Bombings (Boston Globe)
- When Profiling Becomes a Real Menace to Society (Chicago Trib)
- CAIR-FL: Schools May Let Students Hand Out Religious Info (Tampa Bay Times)
Hassan Shibly of CAIR, who was at the center of last year's controversy, said he welcomes a free exchange of ideas but wonders if Islamic material truly would be allowed. "We hope that those who are fighting to ensure Christian students can share their faith in school will stand strong with Jewish, Muslim, and other students who wish to do the same," he said. "You cannot stand for First Amendment rights only for the faith or point of view you agree with and deny it to those who share a faith you disagree with." - CAIR-California: Muslim Youth Leadership Program (MYLP) 2013
- Video: CAIR-CAN Rep Discusses Alleged Canadian Terror Plot Arrests
Sunday, April 28, 2013
- CAIR Action Alert: Tell Congress that Immigration Reform Should Ban All Forms of Profiling
CAIR welcomes the recent immigration reform bill, S. 744, which provides a pathway to citizenship for the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants. Section 3305 of the bill is a valuable first step that requires expansion to protect the rights of all Americans from racial profiling by law enforcement – a problem that disproportionately impacts immigrant and minority communities. While banning the use of race or ethnicity by federal law enforcement officers, S. 744 fails to prohibit profiling based on religion or national origin and includes troubling exemptions in cases of national security and border protection. - CAIR: A Test of Attitudes Toward American Muslims Yields Hopeful Outcome (AP)
Muslim civil rights leaders say the anti-Islam reaction has been more muted this time than after other attacks since Sept. 11, which had sparked outbursts of vandalism, harassment and violence. Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which monitors bias and hate crimes against Muslims, said his organization has seen no uptick in reports of harassment, assaults or damage to mosques since the April 15 bombings. Leaders noted a larger, broader chorus of Americans warning against placing collective blame. - GOP Congressman Says Islam Will 'Motivate People To Murder Children'
- Muslim Bashing in the Wake of Boston Bombing
- Following Boston Attacks, Uptick in Islamophobia, Gestures of Tolerance
- Threat of Jihadist-Inspired Homegrown Terror Remains Small (Boston Globe)
Put simply, Americans can be reassured that the terrorism threat posed by Muslims residing in the United States remains small. - CAIR-California: 2nd Annual "Muslim Day at the Capitol" on Tuesday
On Tuesday, April 30, members of the California Muslim community will participate in the 2nd Annual "Muslim Day at the Capitol." This event seeks to promote community engagement in local politics and to enable attendees to discuss issues of concern to the Muslim community, including civil rights and immigration, with legislators. The day will include a series of appointments with state representatives and senators. CONTACT: CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo, 626.252.0885, E-Mail: zbilloo@cair.com; CAIR-LA Communications Coordinator Yasmin Nouh, 715.851.4851, E-Mail: ynouh@cair.com - CAIR-New York: The Case Against Muslim Day at the Capitol
- CAIR: Calif. Muslims to Join Japanese Americans in Manzanar Camp Pilgrimage
On Friday, April 26th, members of the Japanese-American and Muslim community will participate in the 8th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage. - Internships Available with CAIR-St. Louis
- Sunday, April 28: CAIR-MD Inaugural Fundraising Banquet
- CAIR: Not 'Brainwashed' - U.S. Women Who Converted to Islam Speak Out (NBC)
Schreiber, who is a community outreach and events coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says she was drawn to the religion after meeting other Muslims on her trip abroad before graduating from St. Mary's College of Maryland in 2009.
CAIR Asks FBI to Probe Okla. Mosque Vandalism as Part of Boston 'Backlash'
(OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, 4/27/13) -- The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK) today called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a second incident of vandalism targeting a mosque in that state to determine whether it is backlash from the recent Boston Marathon bombings.
CAIR-OK said the American Muslim Association building in Oklahoma City was vandalized with obscenities early Saturday. The FBI says the incident is being investigated as a possible hate crime.
In 2012, vandals fired numerous paintballs at the doors of mosque. The attack, which the mosque's director first thought was a volley of bullets, was captured on surveillance video.
CAIR-OK: Paintball Attack on Local Mosque Caught on Tape (Video)
CAIR said there have been two violent incidents targeting American Muslims following the Boston bombings, including a mother of Middle Eastern heritage wearing an Islamic headscarf (hijab) who was assaulted in Malden, Mass., by a white male shouting anti-Muslim slurs, and a Bangladeshi man who was beaten hours after the Boston Marathon bombing by attackers who called him "a f**king Arab."
"We call on the FBI to determine whether or not there was a bias motive for this vandalism and if it is linked to anti-Muslim backlash resulting from the Boston Marathon bombings," said CAIR-OK Executive Director Adam Soltani.
He said CAIR-OK, the Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Conference of Churches recently sought prayers for those whose lives have been impacted by the bombings in Boston.
CAIR-OK has recently voiced concerns over growing incidences of Anti-Muslim rhetoric at the state capitol and the formation of a counter-terrorism caucus targeted at demonizing the Oklahoma Muslim community.
CAIR-OK also recently called on Muslims and all other Americans who value civil liberties to contact Governor Mary Fallin to ask that she not sign a bill, the sponsors of which admit was designed to attack the religious principles of Islam. Gov. Fallin later signed that bill into law.
Soltani urged Muslim individuals and Islamic institutions to review advice on security procedures contained in its "Muslim Community Safety Kit."
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
- Video: CAIR's Nihad Awad on Democracy Now! to Discuss Boston Bombing
- Erik Rush Proves He Wasn't Joking About Killing Muslims
- Frequent Fox Guest Erik Rush Doubles Down On Islamophobic Rhetoric
- Louie Gohmert Says Muslims Training to 'Act Like Hispanics' to Get Into U.S.
- The Right's New Boston Conspiracy Theory
- Jewish Leader Denounces Pamela Geller's Extremist Anti-Muslim Views
- Fla. Dems Continue to Question Need for Anti-Islam Bill
Hate Crimes in MA, NY Follow Boston Bombings
Rights group urges Muslims, Islamic institutions to review safety procedures
Rights group urges Muslims, Islamic institutions to review safety procedures
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/18/13) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today said hate incidents in Massachusetts and New York occurred following the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon.
CAIR reports that a mother of Middle Eastern heritage wearing an Islamic headscarf, or hijab, was assaulted yesterday morning in Malden, Mass., by a white male shouting anti-Muslim slurs.
The victim told CAIR the attack occurred when she was walking with another Muslim woman also wearing hijab, while both were pushing baby strollers. She said the alleged attacker shouted, "F*** you, f*** Muslims, you are terrorists," and struck her forcefully on the shoulder. The man, who appeared to be in his 30s, also reportedly made statements blaming Muslims for the Boston Marathon bombings.
Local police were on the scene within minutes after the woman called 911 on her cell phone. CAIR has been in communication with the Malden Police Department about the attack.
"We thank the Malden Police Department for its swift and professional response to this incident and urge national law enforcement authorities to be aware of the potential for other such attacks," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "American Muslims, along with all other Americans, are grieving the tragic deaths in Boston. Hate incidents are troubling, but have thankfully been isolated."
In a second incident, a Bangladeshi man was beaten hours after the Boston Marathon bombing by attackers who called him "a f**king Arab." The victim was punched in the head and body, resulting in a dislocated shoulder.
Immediately after the Boston bombings, CAIR issued a call for prayers and blood donations for the victims.
Hooper said CAIR is urging Muslim individuals and Islamic institutions to review advice on security procedures contained in its "Muslim Community Safety Kit."
CAIR: U.S. Muslims Mobilize to Prevent Boston Backlash CAIR-CT: Muslims Concerned About Profiling After Boston Bombings
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
U.S. Muslim Leaders to React to Boston Bombing Developments
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/19/13) –- Leaders from the national and Washington-area Muslim community will hold a noon news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to offer reaction to ongoing developments in the Boston Marathon bombings, including the naming of suspects who are apparently Muslim.
WHAT: American Muslim News Conference on Developments in Boston Marathon Bombings
WHEN: Friday, April 19, Noon (Eastern)
WHERE: Lisagor Room, National Press Club, 13th Floor, National Press Building, 529 14th Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail: ihooper@cair.com
WHEN: Friday, April 19, Noon (Eastern)
WHERE: Lisagor Room, National Press Club, 13th Floor, National Press Building, 529 14th Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail: ihooper@cair.com
"We must remain united as a nation as we face those who would carry out such heinous and inexcusable crimes," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "We thank local, state and national law enforcement authorities for their diligence in bringing the perpetrators to justice and offer condolences to the loved ones of the officers killed and injured in efforts to detain the suspects."
Awad reiterated the American Muslim community's consistent condemnation of terrorism in all its forms.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END –
CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail: ihooper@cair.com
CAIR: Americans Will Remain United in Face of Boston Terror Developments
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/19/13) -- Representatives of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today joined other leaders from the national an
d Washington-area Muslim community at a news conference in Washington, D.C., to state that Americans will remain united in face of developments in the Boston Marathon bombings that include the naming of suspects who are reportedly Muslim.

SEE: U.S. Muslim Leaders Condemn Boston Terror Attack (USA Today)
Local, National Muslim Groups Condemn Bombings
Local, National Muslim Groups Condemn Bombings
Organizations represented at the news conference included: (In alphabetical order.)
- Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
- Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
- Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
- Masjid Muhammad (Washington, D.C.)
- Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
In his prepared statement at the National Press Club news conference, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said:
"Americans are united today in condemning terrorism and in the conviction that those responsible for the terrorist attacks in Boston must face justice. This cowardly attack resulted in the murders of an eight-year-old-boy and two women, and the wounding of many others. As God tells us in the Quran, if you murder one person, it is as if you murdered all of humanity."While we are outraged at the terrorists, we have been inspired by the unity of Americans of all backgrounds. We are a resilient people. Now that we know the identity of the perpetrators, this unity is ever more important."We will show the terrorists that their plan to sow division and distrust has failed. People of goodwill are not afraid. America will stay united. We will not turn on each other in the acts of false vengeance we have witnessed after other tragedies in the past."American Muslims thank law enforcement for their diligent efforts to protect all our nation's citizens. We send our sincere condolences to the loved ones of the MIT police officer killed overnight and our prayers are with the law enforcement official who was wounded."We reiterate the American Muslim community's consistent condemnation of terrorismin all its forms."
CAIR is urging Muslim individuals and Islamic institutions to review advice on security procedures contained in its "Muslim Community Safety Kit."
MA: Muslim Woman Attacked by Man Accusing Muslims of Marathon Bombings CAIR: U.S. Muslims Mobilize to Prevent Boston Backlash
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- Boston Bomber Was Thrown Out of His Mosque
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was ejected from his Cambridge, Massachusetts mosque three months ago. - Feinstein Calls Out Peter King's Islamophobia and 'Hatred' for Muslims
- Video: CAIR Rep Says American Muslims Repudiate All forms of Terror
- CAIR Reps Nationwide Say Terror Defined by Act, Not Faith
- CAIR-AZ Vigil For Boston Marathon Bombing Victims
To show solidarity with and support for the victims of the recent attacks in Boston, MLA, in collaboration with Council of American Islamic Relations-Arizona, invites ASU students and the AZ community to join us for a candlelight vigil this Sunday. Time: 5 - 7:30 PM, When: Sunday, 4/21/13, Where: Old Main at Arizona State University, 400 Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ 85287 - CAIR-AZ: Islamic Leaders Advise Valley Faithful to Continue Life as Usual But 'Be Safe'
- Video: CAIR-AZ Condemns Boston Marathon Bombings
- CAIR: Muslim Groups Vie to Take Lead in Condemning Terrorism
Muslim leaders across the country publicly condemned terrorism within hours of the bombings at the Boston Marathon, and again Friday after the alleged culprits were revealed to share their faith. - CAIR: U.S. Muslim Leaders Condemn Boston Terror Attack (USA Today)
- CAIR-LA: Islam Condemns Violence, Inland Leader Reiterates (Press-Ent)
- CAIR: Muslim Leaders Condemn Bombing Suspects (CNN)
- Video: CAIR-Chicago Rep Says Muslims Hurt by Terror Just Like Other Americans
- Video: CAIR-PA Says Greatest Concern is Safety of People of Boston
- CAIR-PA: Concerns Over Potential Backlash Against Local Muslims (NBC)
- Video: CAIR-Chicago Addressing Recent Attacks in Boston (Chicago Trib)
- CAIR: Chicago Muslims Hoping Islamophobia Doesn't Rise (Sun-Times)
- Video: CAIR-St. Louis Reacts to News Bombing Suspects are Muslim (KSDK)
- CAIR-ST. Louis Reminds Residents Not to Judge a Person by Their Faith or Ethnicity
- Video: CAIR-OH Rep Says Terror Defined by Act, Not Faith or Ethnicity
- CAIR-San Antonio: Local Muslims Say Boston Suspects Don't Reflect Islam
- Video: CAIR's Corey Saylor on National Security and Boston Marathon Bombing (RT)
- CAIR: NC Triangle Muslims Condemn Boston Attacks (WRAL)
- CAIR-MI: Islamic Leaders Concerned About Possible Backlash (CBS)
- CAIR-SFBA: Bay Area Muslims on Edge After Boston Bombings (KTVU)
- CAIR: Bay Area Muslims Alert in Wake of Boston Bombings (KQED)
- CAIR: Brothers' Religion Again Raises 'Double Standard' (Phil. Inquirer)
- CAIR-San Diego: Local Islamic Leaders React to Boston Bombings
- CAIR-AZ Vigil For Boston Marathon Bombing Victims
- CAIR: Anti-Islam Bill Signed by Oklahoma Governor
- CAIR-Chicago: DuPage Not Ready to Issue Permit for Mosque
- NE: Case of Muslim Employees Denied Time for Prayer to Go to Trial
- Asma Hanif, Founder of Muslim Women's Shelter, Finds Herself in Need of Care(Wash. Post)
As the founder of Muslimat Al-Nisaa, the only known shelter in the country that exclusively serves Muslim women, Hanif has devoted nearly a decade of her life to providing safety and stability for women in a place where they could comfortably practice their faith.
- CAIR Director Meets with Jordan's King Abdullah in D.C.
CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad today joined other American Muslim and Arab-American leaders at a meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan in Washington, D.C. Topics of discussion included the ongoing conflict in Syria and the Middle East peace process. - CAIR-DFW Banquet a Success
More than 200 people turned out on Saturday for the annual banquet of the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of CAIR-Texas. The sold-out event featured addresses by CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad, ACLU Texas Executive Director Terri Burke and Egyptian-American Rule of Law Association President Sahar Aziz. - Tea Party Steaming Over 'Anti-Sharia Law' Snub in Florida Senate
- CAIR: Fighting Tsarnaev Copycats (USA Today)
What's needed now, loud and clear, are the counter voices of those with influence over would-be copycats. Some immigrant and Islamic religious figures have spoken out including the Council on Islamic-American Relations.- Video: CAIR-AZ Vigil Participants Say Bombers Do Not Represent Islam
- CAIR-MI: Speakers at Vigil for Bombing Victims Call for Unity (Detroit News)
- CAIR-Oklahoma Statement on the Boston Attack
- Video: CAIR Director Discusses Boston Bombings on Chinese TV
- Students of Multiple Faiths Restore Bronx Synagogue Inside Mosque (CBS)
- CAIR-CAN Urges Rejection of 'Needless' Security Legislation
- More than 400 Turn Out for CAIR-Cleveland Civil Rights Banquet
More than 400 guests attended the 11th Annual Civil Rights Banquet of the Cleveland chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Cleveland) held on April 21, 2013. The keynote speaker, Asifa Quraishi-Landes from the University of Wisconsin Law School, spoke about her new report titled "Sharia and Diversity: Why Americans Are Missing the Point." - Video: CAIR-CAN Says Canadian Muslims Denounce Terror, Reject Terrorists
- CAIR: 'Arabs, Muslims in US Can Be Messengers of Understanding' (Jordan Times)
CAIR Decries Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Rhetoric on Boston Bombing
Muslim civil rights group says Americans have rejected calls to stereotype
Muslim civil rights group says Americans have rejected calls to stereotype
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/23/13) –- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today decried the wave of inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric following the Boston Marathon bombings and the revelation that the suspects in the case are Muslim.
CAIR also noted that Americans of all faiths have rejected the call by a minority of extremists to stereotype Muslims and Islam.
While at least two anti-Muslim hate attacks were linked to the bombings, CAIR says it has not received any reports of violent bias-motivated incidents since the suspects were identified.
"We believe it is a positive sign that the vast majority of Americans have rejected the type of guilt by association advocated by extremist commentators seeking to exploit the tragic events in Boston to further their personal agendas," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "As a nation, we have learned to judge a person based on their actions, not on their faith or ethnicity."
Awad said the recent spike in hate rhetoric comes in the wake of a coordinated long-term effort by Islamophobic activists and groups to demonize Islam and marginalize American Muslims.
CAIR-OK: Oklahoma Muslims Voice Concern About Anti-Islamic Rhetoric, Counter-Terrorism Caucus
CAIR-FL: Bills Banning Sharia Law Get Mixed Reaction in Florida
Anti-Muslim Film to Be Shown in South Carolina
CAIR-FL: Bills Banning Sharia Law Get Mixed Reaction in Florida
Anti-Muslim Film to Be Shown in South Carolina
Just after last week's bombings, CAIR issued a call for prayers and blood donations for the victims, and CAIR chapters nationwide have organized community events to condemn the attacks and show support for the victims.
CAIR-MI: Muslims Condemn Boston Marathon Bombings (Detroit News)
CAIR also called on Fox News to sever ties with a regular guest who tweeted "Let's kill them [Muslims] all" in response to the blasts.
Thousands of emails were sent to Fox News executives through a CAIR action alert.
CONTACT FOX: (As always, be POLITE and respectful.)
Since the bombings and Friday's arrest of a suspect, Fox News turned to commentators like Frank Gaffney, who claim Muslim cooperation with the FBI weakens national security, and ACT! for America leader Hanah Kahwagi Tudor (a.k.a "Brigitte Gabrie"), who claims an American Muslim "cannot be a loyal citizen" and that Islam is the "real enemy."
Other right-wing commentators have exploited the Boston bombings to promote their own pre-existing political and religious agendas.
Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who is notorious for sponsoring a series of Islamophobic congressional hearings, called for increased law enforcement surveillance of law-abiding American Muslims.
Keith Ellison: Peter King Comments 'Ridiculous'
Former congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois called for the profiling of all "young Muslim men."
Fmr. Rep. Joe Walsh: We Need To Profile "Our Enemy," Young Muslim Men
A New York state legislator called for the torture of the suspect who was apprehended.
Right-wing columnist Ann Coulter said she would like to see the alleged bomber's widow in jail for "wearing a hijab (Islamic head scarf)."
Fox News host Bob Beckel recommended barring all Muslim students from coming to the United States.
Fox News Host: Let's Bar Muslim Students from Coming Here
Televangelist Pat Robertson even compared Islam to Nazism.
SEE: Controversial Televangelist Compares Islam to Nazism
Comedian Adam Carolla told Fox News that Muslims 'hate our culture' and a radio host called for banning anyone who believes in the Quran, Islam's revealed text, from the United States.
Video: Adam Carolla on Why US is Target of Muslim Terrorism: 'They Hate Our Culture'
Host: Ban Anyone Who Believes in the Quran
Host: Ban Anyone Who Believes in the Quran
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
- CAIR Welcomes 20-Year Sentence for Ohio Mosque Arsonist
CAIR today welcomed a 20-year jail sentence for the man who set fire to a Toledo, Ohio, mosque in September 2012 because he wanted to avenge the killings of American soldiers overseas. (Read more) - CAIR: U.S. Muslims Mobilize to Prevent Boston Backlash (RNS)
"American Muslims, like Americans of all backgrounds, condemn in the strongest possible terms today's cowardly bomb attack on participants and spectators of the Boston Marathon," Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said in a statement on Monday. - Video: CAIR-CT Rep Joins People of Other Faiths in Taking Stand Against Terror
- CAIR-MI: Don't Let the Terrorists Divide Us (Detroit News)
- Fla. Anti-Islam Bill Draws Concerns
CAIR Says Torture Report Shows Need to Stop 'Erosion of American Principles'
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/17/13) – The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today said that a nonpartisan, independent review of post-9/11 interrogation and detention programs, which concludes that "it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture" shows a need to stop the "disturbing erosion of American principles."

The 577-page report by an 11-member panel convened by the Constitution Project and releasedon Tuesday, says the use of torture "damaged the standing of our nation, reduced our capacity to convey moral censure when necessary and potentially increased the danger to U.S. military personnel taken captive." According to the report, there is "no firm or persuasive evidence" that torture produced information that could not have been obtained by other means.
Video: Release of Task Force Report on Detainee Treatment Report by Constitution Project's Task Force on Detainee Treatment
The panel studied how prisoners were treated at the Guantánamo Bay detention center, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in CIA prisons. Panelists visited a number of detention sites and interviewed dozens of officials and former detainees. An appendix to the report explains why what the United States did was torture and outlines cases in which similar treatment was prosecuted or denounced as torture by American officials when used by other countries.
SEE: U.S. Engaged in Torture After 9/11, Review Concludes (NY Times)
In a statement responding to the report's conclusions, CAIR National Executive director Nihad Awad said:
"The troubling yet unsurprising conclusions of this nonpartisan report clearly show a disturbing erosion of American principles in the post-9/11 era that must be reversed."Our national principles are the force that brought America to the international stature it enjoys today. CAIR and other civil rights organizations have long maintained that our government crossed the line by deciding to torture post-9/11 detainees and that this decision has been a stain on our national honor."CAIR appreciates the Constitution Project's willingness to examine an issue that has largely been ignored by official Washington. The panel's findings are sobering, including the conclusion that some techniques used on detainees constitute torture, that our nation's highest officials bear responsibility for this, and that the use of torture appears to have generated little to no information of value."This report is not the product of a desire to score political points. It is a methodical and factual examination of how our nation lost its way and what we might do to correct past errors.
"CAIR calls on national leaders to take corrective action, beginning with the renewal of CAIR's call for the closure of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and by prosecuting officials who broke our nation's laws and ignored treaties prohibiting detainee abuse."
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
- CAIR-St. Louis: Mo. Interfaith Community to Pray for Victims of Boston Bombings
This evening, the St. Louis chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-St. Louis) will take part in an interfaith prayer service for the victims of the Boston marathon bombings scheduled at Dar Al Islam Masjid in Ballwin, Mo.- CAIR-CT: Conn. Muslims to Join in Prayers for Bomb Victims
- Video: CAIR Urges Americans to Pray for Boston Marathon Bomb Victims
- CAIR: American Muslims Condemn Boston Marathon Bombings
- CAIR-MI: Muslim Group on Marathon Bombings: Don't Rush to Judge (CBS)
- MA: Plane Returned to Gate After Passengers Spoke Arabic
- Second Hate Crime Targets Kews Gardens Hills Mosque
- Ex-Marine Who Set Ohio Mosque Fire Scheduled for Sentencing
- CAIR-OK: State Measure Would Target Sharia Law
- CAIR: Dawud Walid on Islamophobia in Michigan
- Sold-Out CAIR-MN Annual Banquet a Success
- Video: CAIR-MI Annual Banquet 2013
CAIR Action Alert #691:
Ask Fox News to Drop Contributor Who Tweeted 'Kill' All Muslims
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/16/13) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today called on Fox News to sever ties with a contributor who tweeted "Let's kill them [Muslims] all" in response to yesterday's deadly Boston Marathon bombings.

SEE: Fox Regular Erik Rush Says 'Kill' Muslims after Boston Marathon Explosions (UPI)
Erik Rush: Kill All Muslims in Response to Boston Marathon AttackVideo: CAIR Urges Americans to Pray for Boston Marathon Bomb Victims
CAIR-MI: Muslim Group on Marathon Bombings: Don't Rush to Judge (CBS)
CAIR: American Muslims Condemn Boston Marathon Bombings
Erik Rush: Kill All Muslims in Response to Boston Marathon AttackVideo: CAIR Urges Americans to Pray for Boston Marathon Bomb Victims
CAIR-MI: Muslim Group on Marathon Bombings: Don't Rush to Judge (CBS)
CAIR: American Muslims Condemn Boston Marathon Bombings
"No media outlet that wishes to be viewed as objective or credible should employ an individual who calls for religious genocide," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "We urge Fox News to signal its rejection of bigotry and hatred by dropping Mr. Rush from its contributor list."
He added: "The actions of an individual or individuals -- no matter who the culprit is -- should never be used to cast racist or bigoted stereotypes on an entire race, ethnicity or religion? Doing so is not only unacceptable in journalism, but unacceptable as Americans."
Awad noted that Rush has written commentaries attacking the faith of Islam. Last year, he wrote an article, titled "Yes, Islam is an enemy," arguing that Islam is incompatible with American society.
SEE: Fox News Pundit Erik Rush Provokes Furious Reaction with Twitter Rant after Boston Marathon Bombs
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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