Verse of the Day: Isra and Miraj
"Limitless in His glory is He who transported His servant (Prophet Muhammad) by night from the inviolable mosque (in Mecca) to the farthest house of worship (in Jerusalem) - the environs of which We had blessed' - so that We might show him some of Our symbols: for, verily, He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing." (The Holy Quran, 17:1)
NOTE: Muslims worldwide are marking "Isra and Miraj," the Prophet Muhammad's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and from the rock now located in the Dome of the Rock, to heaven.
"Limitless in His glory is He who transported His servant (Prophet Muhammad) by night from the inviolable mosque (in Mecca) to the farthest house of worship (in Jerusalem) - the environs of which We had blessed' - so that We might show him some of Our symbols: for, verily, He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing." (The Holy Quran, 17:1)
NOTE: Muslims worldwide are marking "Isra and Miraj," the Prophet Muhammad's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and from the rock now located in the Dome of the Rock, to heaven.
CAIR-OK: Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium 2014
- Video: California Muslim Community Mourns Loss of Security Guard after Hate Crime
On March 16th, Hassan was gunned down in the Home Depot parking lot on Florin Road in South Sacramento. Police say the gunman pulled the trigger because Hassan was Muslim.
- NYT Editorial: Muslims and the N.Y.P.D.
The Police Department is right to develop informants that would help them foil terrorist plots. But it would be counterproductive to do so in ways that violate the Constitution or make more people fear the police.- Activists Seek Audit of New York Police Surveillance (NY Times)
- Activists Seek Audit of New York Police Surveillance (NY Times)
- Letters Slam Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Hate Ads (Washington Post)
Hate generates hate. Our nation's capital must not tolerate this kind of fear-mongering nonsense. Let us come together to have this shameful message and image removed immediately. - How I Made Sure a Texas Tea Party Candidate Accepted 'Dirty' Muslim MoneyIn a GOP runoff today, candidate T.J. Fabby has attacked his foe for accepting Muslim money. But now Fabby has too. I know. I sent it.
- Fear and Anti-Muslim Bigotry Are Big Business in America
- Fear and Anti-Muslim Bigotry Are Big Business in America
- Canada: Muslim Group Takes Next Step in Libel Suit Against Stephen Harper
- Letter: I Feel Badly that I Didn't Intervene When Muslim Women Were Being Bullied
Sunday, my partner and I were leaving the Renaissance store in Verdun when we overheard a man loudly berating two timid-looking Muslim women waiting in line behind him. - WI: Museum Exhibit Explores Muslim Women's Clothing, Identity
- CAIR: Your Heart is Full Of Evil, US Islamic Clerics Write Boko Haram Leader Shekau
This was contained in a letter written to Shekau and made available to Sunday Tribune. It was signed by the Supreme Council of Muslim Organisations Zaytuna College Washington, DC Berkeley; Imam Sheikh Jamal Said; Imam Sheikh Kifah Mustapha; The Mosque Foundation, Bridgeview, IL Bridgeview; Dr. Hatem Bazian; American Muslims for Palestine; Council on American-Islamic Relations; Islamic Circle of North America; Khalil Meek W. Deen Mohammed II; Muslim Legal Fund of America The Mosque Cares, Dallas, TX Chicago, IL; Mahtabuddin Ahmed Hussein Ata, among others. - Video: Not in God's Name (Religion News Service)
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