- CAIR Asks State Department to Allow Fla. Muslims to Return to U.S.
CAIR-Florida today called on Secretary of State John Kerry to allow three permanent residents from that state to return to the United States from Russia. In a letter to Secretary Kerry, CAIR-FL said, "the United States is unlawfully preventing three American residents, Umar Taramov, Khusen Taramov, and Khasan Taramov ("the Taramov Brothers") from returning to the United States by making it impossible for them to board a flight from Moscow."- Wash. Post Editorial: The FBI Must Come Clean About Todashev's Death
- CAIR-FL: 3 Russians Unlawfully Kept Out of US (AP)
- Video: CAIR-FL Seeks Halal Meals for Prison Inmates
The recent court order was praised the Council on American-Islamic Relations as a step in the right direction. "We feel that they should offer the same accommodations to Muslim inmates and all inmates regardless of their religious beliefs," said Hassan Shibly, executive director of CAIR's Tampa office. - CAIR-FL: Muslim Students Find Possible Listening Device in Prayer Room
- CAIR-MI: CPAC Shows GOP Still Has Minority Problems (Detroit News)
- L.A. Gang Members in Syria: Why They Fight for Assad (CBS)
CAIR Action Alert
Action: Call on GOP Women's Group to Stop Promoting Anti-Muslim Speakers
National Federation of Republican Women promotes ACT! for America and other hate groups
National Federation of Republican Women promotes ACT! for America and other hate groups

CAIR's request comes in the wake of a letter it sent to NFRW leaders asking them to institute internal reforms to end the promotion of bigotry and following an announcement that the Lake Federated Republican Women's Club in Leesburg, Fla. -- an NFRW affiliate -- will host Islamophobe Jonathan Matusitz at an event on Wednesday.
In a video released recently by CAIR-FL, Matusitz says:
- "Coexistence with Islam is not possible."
- "My colleagues say Islam is a religion of peace. I say it's a religion of pieces -- piece of body here, piece of body there."
- "When I see those 'coexist' bumper stickers on cars, I laugh because I think it's ridiculous."
- "Anybody with a fraction of a brain should be afraid of Islam because it's a dangerous doctrine."
On February 12, 2014, CAIR wrote to NFRW President Kathy Brugger to seek clarification of the group's views of American Muslims. In that letter, CAIR Department to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia Director Corey Saylor noted, "CAIR researchers have found a troubling trend of anti-Muslim sentiment in materials on your organization's web site and in activities of NFRW clubs."
In his letter, Saylor also wrote:
"NFRW clubs have a record of hosting speakers associated with anti-Muslim bias. The below events, all from 2013, are offered as an illustration:
- New York's Nassau County Federation for Republican Women invited key U.S. Islamophobe Pamela Geller to give a presentation.
- Iowa's Magic Valley Republican Women hosted an event alleging 'financial jihad' and a 'Sharia Effect through Wall Street Banking.'
- California's Orange County Federation of Republican Women hosted Steve Martel of ACT! For America to lecture on the 'the true history, doctrines and goals of Sharia-compliant Islamists.'
- When Harmeet Dhillon, a Sikh, ran for the position of vice chair of the California state Republican Party, Vera Eyzendooren, president of the San Bernardino County Federation of Republican Women, wrote, 'I was told by one of Harmeet's friends that because of her religion, her loyalty is to the Muslim religion. 'So she will defend a Muslim beheading two men without any hesitation ... she is not Republican.' In a welcome move, the California Federation of Republican Women opposed Eyzendooren's comments."
Saylor followed up on February 18, saying he had subsequently been informed that the Bainbridge Island Republican Women in Washington state -- another NFRW affiliate -- hosted an anti-Muslim speaker on February 12.
The federation has not acknowledged receipt of CAIR's letter or the emails following it up, and has not taken any visible action to end its promotion of anti-Muslim prejudice.
The federation has not acknowledged receipt of CAIR's letter or the emails following it up, and has not taken any visible action to end its promotion of anti-Muslim prejudice.
Contact the National Federation of Republican Women and ask the organization to end its promotion of anti-Muslim speakers and its alliance with hate groups like ACT! for America.
- END -
CONTACT: CAIR Department to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia Director Corey Saylor, 202-384-8857, csaylor@cair.com; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, ihooper@cair.com; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, 202-341-4171, arubin@cair.com
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