- Breaking: NSA Spying Tool Collects Nearly Everything on Internet Users
CAIR is calling on all Americans concerned about privacy rights to contact their elected official and demand that they address new revelation of warrantless government spying. - Video: D.C. Imam Opens Congress with a Prayer (C-SPAN)
- Cardinal George to Visit Morton Grove Mosque Thursday
- CAIR Action Alert: Urge Members of Congress to Ban Racial Profiling
CAIR joined other civil rights leaders at a news conference yesterday to support the reintroduction of the End Racial Profiling Act of 2013 (ERPA), which would eliminate profiling based on race, ethnicity, national origin, and religion by federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement by changing core policies and procedures underlying this harmful practice. At a press conference, Sen. Cardin thanked CAIR as one of the many civil rights groups in support of the bill. TAKE ACTION - CAIR-San Diego: Trayvon Martin Case Will Drive Campus Conversations
- CAIR-MN: Feds Probe Grad Student's Discrimination Accusation
- CAIR: Shooting Death of Florida Muslim Will Not Be Investigated by State
- CAIR: No Sanctions for FBI's Evasive Court Tactics
- Poison by PowerPoint: Reading Between the Lines of Islamophobic Emails
- Anti-Islam Laws in the U.S.
CAIR Stands with Sikhs After Hate Vandalism of Calif. Gurdwara
(ANAHEIM, CA, 7/31/13) -- The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) today expressed solidarity with the Sikh community in that state following an apparently bias-motivated attack on a Gurdwara, or Sikh house of worship.

"We stand in solidarity with the Sikh community and against the actions of a tiny minority of bigots who violate our nation’s longstanding principles of religious tolerance and inclusion," said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush. "As we have stated many times, an attack on any house of worship is an attack on all houses of worship."
Ayloush said that CAIR has spoken out a number of times against bias-motivated attacks on American Sikhs. [NOTE: Sikh men who wear beards and turbans as part of their faith are often targeted by bigots who mistake them for Muslims.]
SEE: Muslims Stand with Sikhs After Wis. Shootings
CAIR Condemns Brutal Attack on Elderly California Sikh
CAIR Condemns Brutal Attack on Elderly California Sikh
CAIR recently called on local and national law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for similar acts of vandalism targeting mosques nationwide.
In May, CAIR began distributing new safety and security guidelines to mosques and other houses of worship nationwide. The new CAIR publication, "Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety," was produced in response to recent bias attacks, including a series of incidents last year targeting American Muslim institutions.
Community leaders may request a free copy of CAIR's "Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety," by going to: http://www.cair.com/mosque-safety-guide.html
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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