Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why is it that no one in America's mainstream media calling the killer of dr. Tiller a Christian extremist or a christian terrorist. He killed the man because of his religious beliefs and he is a christian. seems to be a bit of a double standard.

To some he was an unflinching hero, to others a remorseless villain. As a late-term abortion doctor, George Tiller knew he had chosen a dangerous career, one that made him a lightning rod. His clinic was a fortress, his days marred by threats, but he refused to give up what he saw as his life's mission.
"He never wavered," says Susie Gilligan, who knew Tiller as part of her work in the Feminist Majority Foundation. "He never backed away. He had incredible strength. When you spoke to him, he was a soft-spoken man, a very gentle man. He said, 'This is what I have to do. Women need me. I know they need me.'"


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