Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CIA agents are using a potent new weapon to aid the fight against the Taliban – Viagra pills.
The sex-boost drug is being used to bribe Afghan tribal warlords in return for vital intelligence information.
The elderly chiefs often have up to four wives to keep happy – and one ex-CIA agent in Afghanistan revealed how a 60-year-old warlord was persuaded to assist Coalition forces after they offered to ensure he was up to the task.
The chief had extensive knowledge of the area and controlled key passages, but was reluctant to help. US forces won his loyalty by handing over four blue pills after a medical check-up.
When troops returned four days later, the satisfied chief happily spilled the beans on Taliban movements and supply routes.
The CIA agent said: “He came up to us beaming. He said, ‘You are a great man.’
“After that, we could do whatever we wanted in his area.”
Bribing chiefs with medicine and school supplies has been standard practice since the Coalition entered Afghanistan in 2001.
Jamie Smith, another retired CIA agent, said: “You’re trying to bridge a gap between people living in the 18th Century and people from the 21st. So you look for those common things that motivate people everywhere.”

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