- WATCH: Colo. GOP Candidate Says He Joined White Supremacist Website Because of Anti-Islam Views
"I still do have some views against Islam and shariah law. And that was pretty much the basis of my joining that website."- TN: 'Republican' Label on Anti-Islam Event Confuses Some
Calling themselves "the Republican Wing of the Republican Party," the Tennessee Republican Assembly will host anti-Islam activists Michael Del Rosso and Andy Miller at its annual conference Saturday. But according to assembly President Sharon Ford's Facebook page, Frank Gaffney, a nationally recognized anti-Islam author and speaker who testified in a lawsuit aimed at stopping Murfreesboro mosque construction, had to bail on the event due to a scheduling conflict.
- TN: 'Republican' Label on Anti-Islam Event Confuses Some
- Nice Tennessee Lady Will Not Stand For Muslim Student Journalist Putting Her In Back Of Bus
CAIR-MN: For Muslim Leader Lori Saroya, Challenges are Opportunities
At the Capitol Thursday, Lori Saroya used an example from her own life to tell a group of Muslim and Jewish high school students about the impact profiling can have on a person's life.- CAIR-SV: Family Mourns Artist Who Fled Violence in Iraq Only to Be killed in a Sacramento Parking Lot (Sacramento Bee)
"He left a war-torn Iraq to find a safe place to live with his family, and now he's going back in a casket," said Basim Elkarra, executive director of the Sacramento Valley chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations at a news conference Thursday attended by a dozen community leaders and elected officials decrying Alawsi's seemingly senseless slaying. - CAIR: Sacramento Muslim 'Stalked' by Killer Prior to Shooting (Video)
- CAIR-FL: Muslim Students Want Spying Device Back
If CAIR and the MSA obtain the device from UPD, Hamze said an expert and private investigator will be hired to carry out an investigation. - MN: Administration, students respond to 'Turban' Bias Incidents
One of the incidents involved a student who posted an image of herself at a sorority-sponsored event to which she wore a turban and a sign that read "terrorist." - CAIR-CA: 2014 Muslim Day at the Capitol
- CAIR-CT: Civil Liberties Conference at CCSU this Weekend
The conference, organized by the Connecticut Coalition to Stop Indefinite Detention, the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut, the Council on American Islamic Relations in Connecticut and United Action-Connecticut, will take place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain. ... Other participants include Dawud Walid,executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations of Michigan.
- CAIR-CT: Civil Liberties Conference at CCSU this Weekend
- St. Louis Muslim Women: One Religion, Many Cultures
- OH: Minister Explores Bonds Muslims, Christians Share (Dispatch)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
- Scam Alert: Beware of Callers Misrepresenting Themselves as Government Employees
CAIR chapters continue to receive numerous complaints from community members who have received calls from individuals falsely claiming to be from the DHS, FBI and IRS.- Largest IRS Phone Scam Ever Targets Indian Americans
Indian Americans and other South Asian Americans are being predominantly targeted by scam artists pretending to be Internal Revenue Service officials who threaten to send out an arrest warrant if money is not paid to them immediately over the phone, the Federal Trade Commission reported in a bulletin released Mar. 21.
- Largest IRS Phone Scam Ever Targets Indian Americans
- TN GOP Event Speaker: U.S. Mosques are 'Terrorist Recruiting Stations'
He's not anti-Islam, he said, and in fact likes to barbecue lamb for his Muslim friends. He's simply bringing to light documents proving that the nation's Islamic centers are terrorist recruiting stations and that America is in danger of falling under Shariah.- Editorial: Tenn. Faithful Need to Add Voices of Support for Mosque
Challenges to the presence of the mosque and to the rights of Muslims to follow their rituals in burial of their dead are affronts to this community in which many seem to hold faith in high esteem.
- Editorial: Tenn. Faithful Need to Add Voices of Support for Mosque
- CA: Iraq Refugee Gunned Down For Looking Muslim
CAIR-San Diego Asks GOP Women's Group to Drop Anti-Muslim Speaker
(SAN DIEGO, CA, 3/30/14) – The San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-San Diego) today called on Navajo Canyon Republican Women (NCRW) to drop notorious Islamophobe James Horn as a speaker for the group's April 8 meeting.
Horn, who is scheduled to speak about "Bengazi and Islam in America," has called Islam a "cult, nothing more" and said terrorists are "honest" Muslims. He also stated that anyone who believes Muslims are not the "enemy" is "incredibly ignorant or a simple-minded fool." He criticizes Christian leaders for failing to deal with what he calls the "rapacious ideology of Islam."
In a twist on old anti-Semitic falsehoods, he claims "the Moslem lobby in the state houses and the White House" can "predetermine votes" and that Muslims "have thousands of bankers and lawyers increasingly in control of our everyday life" and have "infiltrated our government."
Video: GOP Women's Group Promotes Anti-Muslim Hate
Video: GOP Women's Group Promotes Anti-Muslim Hate
"We urge Navajo Canyon Republican Women to recognize that they are promoting an individual who is recycling anti-Semitic lies to target American Muslims," said CAIR-SD Executive Director Hanif Mohebi. "We ask that instead of hate-mongers like James Horn, Republican groups invite speakers who will promote mutual understanding, not religious and ethnic hatred."
Earlier this month, CAIR called on the National Federation of Republican Women(NFRW) to end its support of anti-Muslim organizations and speakers. That call came following a letter it sent to NFRW leaders asking them to institute internal reforms to end the promotion of bigotry and after a number of events sponsored by NFRW affiliates that featured anti-Muslim speakers.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
- CAIR Asks GOP to Drop Anti-Muslim Speakers in CA, MI
CAIR's Michigan chapter today called on the Oakland County Republic Party to drop notorious Islamophobe Richard Thompson as a speaker for its April 1 meeting.CAIR's San Diego chapter yesterday called on Navajo Canyon Republican Women(NCRW) to drop notorious Islamophobe James Horn as a speaker for the group's April 8 meeting. - CAIR: Fox News Gins Up Honor Diaries Controversy
The University of Michigan-Dearborn initially agreed to screen the Clarion Project'snew faux-feminist film, Honor Diaries. Then faculty and staff began to weigh in on the biased, shallow orientations of the documentary and the administrators who'd scheduled the screening had second thoughts.
CAIR: Seattle Interfaith Leaders to Seek Probe of Imam's Forced Removal from Delta Flight
Incident part of nationwide trend of Muslim religious leaders being forcibly removed from flights
(SEATTLE, WA, 3/31/2014) – On Tuesday, April 1, the Washington state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-WA), along with a group of pastors, rabbis, imams, and labor leaders, will hold a news conference to ask Delta Air Lines and the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the apparently bias-motivated removal earlier this month of a Seattle-area imam (Islamic religious leader) from a flight by Delta employees.
The imam, who is a Delta Platinum Elite member, was forced to disembark his flight and take another flight. He was reportedly informed by the Delta employee who escorted him off the plane that this was being done because a crew member judged "the way you used the restroom" to be "doubtful."
WHAT: Seattle Interfaith Leaders to Seek Probe of Imam's Forced Removal from Delta Flight
WHEN: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: SeaTac International Airport, Delta Airlines Ticketing Area
CONTACT: CAIR-WA Executive Director Arsalan Bukhari, 206-367-4081 or 206-931-3655, abukhari@cair.com
"The Department of Transportation must investigate this shocking incident to hold Delta Air Lines accountable for discriminating against a respected religious leader," said CAIR-WA Executive Director Arsalan Bukhari. "Not all passengers who go to the bathroom get kicked off their flight, so Delta's discriminatory act was due solely to the imam's perceived racial, ethnic and religious affiliation."
Bukhari noted that there have been a number of similar incidents nationwide in which Muslim leaders and community members have been forcibly removed from airplanes after boarding due to their language, religious attire or appearance.
Video: Muslims Call Plane Incident Islamophobia
Video: Family in Muslim Clothing Ejected from Flight
Video: AirTran Apologizes to Muslims Kicked Off Plane
In 2011, CAIR and United Firm of Carolina Law (UFC Law) announced the filing of a lawsuit against Delta Air Lines and Atlantic Southeast Airlines for removing two imams from a flight to a conference on Islamophobia in Charlotte, N.C.
Video: Tenn. Muslim Leaders Sue Delta for Discrimination (CAIR)
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
CAIR: Seattle Interfaith Leaders to Seek Probe of Imam's Forced Removal from Delta Flight
Incident part of nationwide trend of Muslim religious leaders being forcibly removed from flights
(SEATTLE, WA, 3/31/2014) – On Tuesday, April 1, the Washington state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-WA), along with a group of pastors, rabbis, imams, and labor leaders, will hold a news conference to ask Delta Air Lines and the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the apparently bias-motivated removal earlier this month of a Seattle-area imam (Islamic religious leader) from a flight by Delta employees.
The imam, who is a Delta Platinum Elite member, was forced to disembark his flight and take another flight. He was reportedly informed by the Delta employee who escorted him off the plane that this was being done because a crew member judged "the way you used the restroom" to be "doubtful."
WHAT: Seattle Interfaith Leaders to Seek Probe of Imam's Forced Removal from Delta Flight
WHEN: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: SeaTac International Airport, Delta Airlines Ticketing Area
CONTACT: CAIR-WA Executive Director Arsalan Bukhari, 206-367-4081 or 206-931-3655, abukhari@cair.com
"The Department of Transportation must investigate this shocking incident to hold Delta Air Lines accountable for discriminating against a respected religious leader," said CAIR-WA Executive Director Arsalan Bukhari. "Not all passengers who go to the bathroom get kicked off their flight, so Delta's discriminatory act was due solely to the imam's perceived racial, ethnic and religious affiliation."
Bukhari noted that there have been a number of similar incidents nationwide in which Muslim leaders and community members have been forcibly removed from airplanes after boarding due to their language, religious attire or appearance.
Video: Muslims Call Plane Incident Islamophobia
Video: Family in Muslim Clothing Ejected from Flight
Video: AirTran Apologizes to Muslims Kicked Off Plane
In 2011, CAIR and United Firm of Carolina Law (UFC Law) announced the filing of a lawsuit against Delta Air Lines and Atlantic Southeast Airlines for removing two imams from a flight to a conference on Islamophobia in Charlotte, N.C.
Video: Tenn. Muslim Leaders Sue Delta for Discrimination (CAIR)
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
- CAIR Action Alert: Defeat FL Anti-Education Bill Motivated by Islamophobia
The primary Sponsor of the bill, Florida Senator Alan Hays (R-11), introduced the measure after extremist anti-Muslim protesters failed to erase the history of Islam from textbooks. - CAIR Action Alert: Help Stop Anti-Free Speech 'Anti-BDS' Bill in MD Legislature
- CAIR: San Diego GOP Group's Anti-Muslim Speaker Starts Debate
Horn claims that a "Moslem lobby" has infiltrated the government and that Muslims "have thousands of bankers and lawyers increasingly in control of our everyday life." The Republican women's group should recognize that Horn recycles old anti-Semitic tropes to malign American Muslims, said Hanif Mohebi, executive director of CAIR's San Diego chapter. - Video: CAIR-MN Sponsors Jewish, Muslim Youth Day at State Capitol
- 32 Photos Change the Way We Look at US Muslim Women (CAIR-LA Featured)
- Rabia Chaudry: The #DisHonorDiaries
At the crux of the discomfort is not the exposure of the issues and abuses themselves; many people opposed to the film themselves work for justice on violence against women and other oppressions. The core of the objections are basically the same as they were with the Alice in Arabia controversy: control over who is telling our stories.- Richard Silverstein: Fox News Shills for 'Honor Diaries'
- Tennessee Bigots Harassed Young Muslim Journalist
- Arrest of Anti-Muslim American Terrorist Goes Unnoticed
"That is exactly what I will have my men do during the heist. Same goes with the Muslims. Mosques are to be a blast! With three of my guys with FA [full automatic] AK's [AK-47 semi-automatic rifles], we will send that white house worthless piece of dirt and his Muslim brotherhood a message they will never forget."
CAIR-Ohio Urges Oberlin College to Investigate Anti-Muslim Arabic Lecturer
(CLEVELAND, OH - 4/1/14) -- The Cleveland chapter of the Council on Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Cleveland) today expressed concern about a lecturer in the Arabic language department at Oberlin College, Dr. Samir Amin Abdellatif, who openly promotes anti-Muslim bigotry and crude stereotypes of Muslims in his writings and on campus.
CAIR-Cleveland requested that the college "investigate the matter and take appropriate action based on the results of that investigation."
Abdellatif is the publisher of a 290-page tract that vilifies Islam and Muslims. His publication, entitled "The Unknown History of Islam," espouses outlandish conspiracy theories about the Muslim and promotes xenophobic views about Muslim immigration to the West.
In CAIR's letter to Oberlin College President Martin Krislov, CAIR-Cleveland Executive Director Julia A. Shearson outlined statements from Abdellatif's tract that characterize Islam as having "slowed down all advancement and progress of all the nations it set foot in."
The tract makes other false claims such as:
- "Muslims would try to force their values and traditions on others callously. They would force their neighbors to cover their heads; otherwise they taunt them for not being modest; Muslim teachers would try to make their Christian students pray according to their Islamic religion."
- "Islam is an ideology of control, not for human and brotherly love."
In her letter, Shearson wrote, "We believe the reputation of Oberlin College is tarnished and students are done a disservice by having an Arabic language instructor who openly promotes anti-Muslim bigotry and who condones crude and ugly caricatures of Muslims."
CAIR has also learned that Oberlin College is apparently relying on the testimony of Dr. Abdellatif in its current bid to remove Dr. Ali Yedes, a Muslim professor who is chairman of the Arabic language program. Oberlin's move comes on the heels of a discrimination casebrought against the college by Yedes.
In addition to overseeing the Arabic language program, Dr. Yedes serves as the Muslim religious life affiliate and is the advisor for the Muslim Students Association.
A long-time professor at Oberlin, Dr. Yedes, who practices a form of Sufism from his native country of Tunisia, is known as a moderate Islamic thinker. He has encouraged programs to increase dialogue on campus, including the promotion of an interfaith center in which the Torah and the Quran are both recited at the Jewish Sabbath services.
The Muslim Students Association, with Dr. Yedes as its faculty advisor, has a Hindu member of the Oberlin student body serving as president. Dr. Yedes is known for his promotion of interreligious understanding on campus.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
CONTACT: CAIR-Cleveland Executive Director Julia A. Shearson, 216.830.2247, jshearson@cair.com; CAIR-National Communications Director, Ibrahim Hooper, 202.488.8787, ihooper@cair.com
- CAIR-MN Condemns Nazi-Themed Restaurant Party
The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) today condemned a Nazi-themed party at a Minneapolis restaurant. - CAIR: Islamic Center of Maine Hopes to Share Muslim Culture
- FL: Muslims Protest Anti-Islam Bill in Tallahassee Today (Orlando Sentinel)
- Muslims Booted from Empire State Building for Praying: Suit (NY Post)
- Islamophobe Victoria Jackson of 'SNL' Fame Says She is Fighting for the 'Soul of America'
- CAIR: Anti-Muslim Law Enforcement Trainers Shift to 'Civilian Trainings'
- Video: CAIR-CT Applauds School District's Recognition of Muslim Holidays
- Video: CAIR-Chicago 'FORWARD' 2014 Film
CAIR Asks ABC Family Channel for Meeting on 'Alice in Arabia' Stereotypes
(ANAHEIM, CA, 3/19/14) – The Greater Los Angeles-Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) said today that it has asked ABC Family Channel to meet with Muslim and Arab-American community leaders to discuss concerns about potential stereotyping in the pilot for a new series called "Alice in Arabia."
Media reports indicate that the pilot is "about an American teenage girl kidnapped by her extended royal Saudi Arabian family and forced to live with them."
SEE: ABC'S New Show 'Alice in Arabia' is Flooded with Horrifying, Inappropriate Stereotypes
ABC Family Orders Three Drama Pilots
ABC Family Orders Three Drama Pilots
In a letter sent on Tuesday to ABC Family Channel President Tom Ascheim, CAIR wrote in part:
"As the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, we are concerned about the negative impact this program could have on the lives of ordinary Arab-American and American Muslims."
CAIR-LA officials say they understand that the pilot's writer says the series is designed to "give Arabs and Muslims a voice on American TV" and has "noble intentions," but that community concerns brought to the civil rights organization should be addressed.
"We are concerned that, given media references to the main character 'surviving life behind the veil,' the pilot and any resulting series may engage in stereotyping that can lead to things like bullying of Muslim students," said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush. "We urge ABC Family Channel to meet with representatives of the Muslim and Arab-American communities to discuss this important issue."
CAIR-CA Survey: Almost Half of Calif. Muslim Students Report Bullying
NV: Muslim Family Accuses CCSD Teacher of Racial Profiling
NV: Muslim Family Accuses CCSD Teacher of Racial Profiling
Ayloush noted that CAIR has in the past challenged actual and potential anti-Muslim stereotypes in productions such as "Executive Decision," "24," "The Siege," "True Lies," "Rules of Engagement," "Obsession," "The Third Jihad," "Jihad in America," and "The Sum of All Fears."
The Washington-based civil rights organization also acted as a consultant on films such as DreamWorks SKG's "Prince of Egypt."
CAIR is the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
CAIR is the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
Man Threatens Staff at CAIR-Ohio Office
(COLUMBUS, OHIO, 3/19/14) – Earlier this afternoon, a man entered the office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Columbus, Ohio, walked down a hallway to the last office he found, and reportedly told an intern: "I'm going to take you all down. This whole place, this whole organization, I'm going to take you all down."He also allegedly stated: "I know what's going on here." After making his threat, the man walked out, slamming the exit door.
Police have been called to the scene.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
CONTACT: CAIR-OH Staff Attorney Romin Iqbal, 614-451-3232, 614-783-7953, riqbal@cair.com; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, ihooper@cair.com
- CAIR-MN Welcomes Hennepin Co. Policy Allowing Hijabs in Jails, Booking Photos
The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) today welcomed a new Hennepin County policy that will allow religious headwear, including hijabs (Islamic head scarves), in jails and booking photos. Hennepin County is the first in the state to create a comprehensive policy on religious headwear. ...
"We welcome this new policy on religious headwear as another example of Hennepin County showing leadership and setting positive precedents for other counties," said CAIR-MN Civil Rights Director Saly Abd Alla. (Read more)- CAIR-MN: Hennepin County Sheriff's Office to Announce New Policy for Hijab
The new policy adheres to the constitutional and federal requirements of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. The policy came after discussions with the Council on American Islamic Relations and experts on religion and corrections.
- CAIR-MN: Hennepin County Sheriff's Office to Announce New Policy for Hijab
- Muslim Activist, Hip Hop Artist to Appear at CAIR-MN Social Justice Gala
- CAIR-MI Offers Cultural Competency Training to Home Depot Employees
- Tenn. Litigants 'Cannot Camouflage Their Antipathy Toward Muslims'
- NM Muslim: Gym Booted Me Over Head Covering
- CAIR-LA: Alice in Arabia Raises Concerns Among Muslims (OC Weekly)
- CAIR-LA: ABC Family's 'Alice in Arabia' Sparks Outrage
- CAIR-LA: 'Alice in Arabia' Draws Concern from Muslim Advocates (Variety)
- CAIR-LA: Muslim Group Shares Concerns with ABC Family Show
- CAIR-LA: ABC Family Gets Heat Over Drama Project (TV Week)
CAIR Seeks Bias Probe of Shots Fired Into Mississippi Mosque
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 3/20/2014) -- A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for a shooting incident targeting a Mississippi mosque.

"We have seen too many attacks on mosques nationwide to ignore the possibility of a bias motive for this shooting incident," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.
Hooper noted that CAIR's Washington state chapter recently held a news conference to ask the FBI to investigate apparently bias-motivated incidents targeting a mosque in that state.
Just yesterday, a man threatened staff at CAIR's Columbus, Ohio, office.
Also recently, CAIR's Sacramento Valley chapter called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate vandalism of a California mosque as a possible hate crime.
In December, CAIR urged a hate crime probe of graffiti sprayed on the Islamic Society of Appalachian Region near Princeton, W.Va. The graffiti spray-painted on the mosque and its sign made obscene references to "Allah," the Arabic word for God. Mosque members say the house of worship was similarly targeted following the 9/11 terror attacks.
CAIR recently welcomed an arrest in the case of a Joplin, Mo., mosque targeted by arson in 2012.
In response to previous attacks on American mosques, CAIR published a booklet called "Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety" designed to be used by mosque officials, Muslim school administrators and other community leaders and activists who seek to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities to bias-motivated attacks.
To request a free e-copy of CAIR's "Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety," go to: http://www.cair.com/mosque-safety-guide.html
CAIR recently published a major report, "Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States," which identifies 37 organizations dedicated to promoting the type of anti-Islam prejudice that can lead to bias-motivated incidents targeting American Muslims.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, ihooper@cair.com; CAIR Communications Manager Amina Rubin, 202-341-4171, arubin@cair.com
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WATCH: CAIR Video News Update
CAIR Welcomes ABC Family's Cancellation of 'Alice in Arabia'
(ANAHEIM, CA, 3/21/14) – The Greater Los Angeles-Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) tonight welcomed the decision by ABC Family channel to cancel plans to produce a pilot for a new series called "Alice in Arabia."
According to Variety:
"Just days after the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) expressed concerns over potential stereotyping in the pilot for ABC Family's 'Alice in Arabia' and requested a meeting with execs, the network has decided not to pursue the show that had been announced Monday."
SEE: ABC Family Pulls Plug on 'Alice in Arabia' After Muslim Org Backlash
CAIR Asks ABC Family Channel for Meeting on 'Alice in Arabia' Stereotypes
Concerns about anti-Muslim and anti-Arab stereotypes were apparently confirmed with the release of a leaked copy of the pilot's script.
"We welcome ABC Family channel's decision to respond to community concerns by canceling plans for a program that had the potential to promote ethnic and religious stereotyping," said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush. "We thank all those who voiced their concerns on this issue, and particular thanks go to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Muslim Public Affairs Council."
Ayloush said CAIR-LA worked closely with both organizations in discussions with ABC Family channel. He also thanked the many activists who took to social media to voice their outrage using #AliceinArabia.
CAIR is the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
- END -
- Verse of the Day: Deeds of Righteousness
"If anyone does deeds of righteousness -- be they male or female -- and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them." The Holy Quran, 4:124- Hadith of the Day: The Keys to Paradise
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once asked his companions: "Who has fasted today?...Who (took part in a funeral procession) today?...Who fed a poor person today?...Who visited an invalid today?" He then said: "Anyone in whom (these good deeds) are combined will certainly enter Paradise." Sahih Muslim, Hadith 505
- Hadith of the Day: The Keys to Paradise
- CAIR: 'Your Account is Closed' — Banking While Muslim in Minnesota (Daily Planet)
The letters arrived at the end of a busy semester, the middle of summer, and even as recently as a few weeks ago, according to the Minnesota Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN). They notified Minnesota students, families, and business owners that their TCF Bank accounts would be closed. Despite the fact that none of the letters provided an explanation for the account's closure, TCF Bank maintains that they did not discriminate against their former customers. However, all of the account holders happened to have Muslim-sounding names.
Since 2012, more than 30 bank accounts of Minnesota Muslims have been closed by TCF Bank. According to CAIR-MN, there are reports that account closures also are happening in other states. - CAIR: Fla. Official Denying Reports of Clearing FBI Agent Who Killed Muslim
- CAIR-LA: ABC Family Scraps 'Alice in Arabia' Following Muslim Outcry (Hollywood Reporter)
The recently ordered pilot came under fire from Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization Council on American-Islamic Relations and after Buzzfeed reported Friday it had obtained a script for the show, which is "about an American teenage girl kidnapped by her extended royal Saudi Arabian family and forced to live with them."
CAIR said earlier this week that it had asked ABC Family to meet with leaders in the Muslim community to discuss "concerns about potential stereotyping in the pilot," and on Friday evening the network said it had nixed the pilot. . .
Following ABC family's decision, CAIR expressed happiness in a statement issued early Saturday. "We welcome ABC Family channel's decision to respond to community concerns by canceling plans for a program that had the potential to promote ethnic and religious stereotyping," said CAIR executive director Hussam Ayloush. - MN: Ramsey County Jail Joins Hennepin in Allowing Hijab (Pioneer Press)-
Although officials had been working on a policy for months, they made it official Thursday, shortly after the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office said that it would allow inmates to wear a hijab, the Muslim head scarf, or other religious headwear in jail, Gustafson said.
- CAIR: Religious Leader Makes Headway In Challenge to 'No-Fly List'
Mohamed's attorney, Gadeir Abbas of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the case, if ultimately successful, "would establish a process which all Americans could utilize to challenge their placement on the no-fly list and rebut the evidence the government relied upon to place them there." - CAIR-Ohio: Pastor Attends AIPAC Conference (Chronicle-Telegram)
Williams, who quit as Elyria YWCA youth program director at the end of 2013 to minister full time, was part of a YWCA anti-hate task force that has worked with the Council on American Islamic Relations Cleveland chapter, a Muslim civil rights group, to combat discrimination. Julia Shearson, the chapter's executive director, said Williams helped bring in CAIR for anti-discrimination presentations. CAIR has protested Israel's treatment of Palestinians and opposes some of AIPAC's stances, but Shearson said that hasn't affected her relationship with Williams, whom she has known for about four years. - CAIR-LA: ABC Cancels Alice of Arabia Following Backlash (Guardian)
- CAIR-LA: ABC Family Cancels "Alice in Arabia" (Salon)
- Video: CAIR Helps Convince ABC Family to Pull 'Alice in Arabia'
- Texas Lt. Governor Candidates Say They Will Back Anti-Islam Bill
- Shock for Critics: NJ Muslim Judge's Non-Sharia Ruling (Inquirer)
- Siddique Malik Wants to be Kentucky's First Muslim State Legislator
CAIR Seeks Hate Crime Charges After Muslim Called 'Terrorist' at Calif. Costco
Man allegedly tried to hit woman with his car when she tried to take photo of license plate
Man allegedly tried to hit woman with his car when she tried to take photo of license plate
(SACRAMENTO, CA, 3/24/14) – The Sacramento Valley chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SV), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights organization, today called on local law enforcement authorities to consider hate crime charges against a man who allegedly called a Muslim woman a "terrorist" and tried to hit her with his car.
According to the woman, who wears an Islamic headscarf (hijab), the incident took place on Saturday afternoon as she was loading her car with purchases from a Costco in Stockton, Calif. She reported to CAIR-SV that another car pulled into the parking space next to hers, and as a white male got out of his car, he shouted "terrorist" at her in a threatening tone. When she questioned whether he had just called her a terrorist, he allegedly replied, "Yes really, you terrorist! Go to hell!"
The woman went back into Costco to file a complaint. While she was waiting for security to arrive, the man came out of the store. As the woman tried to take a picture of his license plate for the police report, he backed quickly out of the parking space and allegedly tried to hit her with his car. She moved to the side of his car and he reportedly said to her, "What, do you want my name and number too so you can call CAIR because your feelings are hurt?" He then drove away.
The woman praised Costco staff for their actions in her defense.
"We urge local and state law enforcement authorities to conduct a thorough investigation of this troubling incident and to consider bringing hate crime charges against the alleged perpetrator," said CAIR-SV Executive Director Basim Elkarra."Those who target Americans because of their race or religion must feel the full weight of the law."
He noted that CAIR-SV recently called for a similar investigation of vandalism of a California mosque.
Elkarra added that just last week, CAIR called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for a shooting incident targeting a Mississippi mosque.
Earlier this month, a man threatened staff at CAIR's Columbus, Ohio, office.
CAIR's Washington state chapter recently held a news conference to ask the FBI to investigate apparently bias-motivated incidents targeting a mosque in that state.
In December, CAIR urged a hate crime probe of hate graffiti sprayed on the Islamic Society of the Appalachian Region near Princeton, W.Va.
Video: CAIR Asks FBI to Probe W. Virginia Mosque Vandalism as Hate Crime
Video: CAIR Asks FBI to Probe W. Virginia Mosque Vandalism as Hate Crime
CAIR recently welcomed an arrest in the case of a Joplin, Mo., mosque targeted by arson in 2012.
In response to previous attacks on American mosques, CAIR published a booklet called "Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety" designed to be used by mosque officials, Muslim school administrators and other community leaders and activists who seek to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities to bias-motivated attacks.
To request a free e-copy of CAIR's "Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety," CLICK HERE.
CAIR recently published a major report, "Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States," which identifies 37 organizations dedicated to promoting the type of anti-Islam prejudice that can lead to bias-motivated incidents targeting American Muslims.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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